Your immune system is the first line of defense against the novel coronavirus and other viral infections. Research has shown that supplementing a healthy lifestyle of nutritious food, good sleep, and physical activity, with certain vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other supplements can improve immune response and protect against illness. CoreLife Wellness uses an immune defense protocol from Standard Process that not only strengthens the body’s immune system but specifically improves lung health as well.
Researchers have been trying to understand why some people get sicker from COVID-19 than others. Looking at how the immune system responds to the novel coronavirus can give us some idea of how the disease will manifest. Under normal circumstances, the innate immune response kicks in first to attack and clear out a virus, followed by the adaptive immune response to remove any remaining virus and create a memory for future infections. An individual may feel mild symptoms from the virus, but they would not require hospitalization. A problem arises when the body creates a dysregulated and excessive immune response, as this may cause immune damage to the human body. A cytokine storm is where the body starts to attack its own cells and tissues rather than just fighting off the virus. Many scientists believe this may be leading to some of the complications seen in the more critical COVID-19 cases. Thus, a healthy immune system is imperative in the ongoing battle against the novel coronavirus.
These fundamental vitamins provide foundational support for your body’s immune system. They are an excellent source of vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, antioxidant vitamin A, iodine, zinc, copper, and manganese. They are also a good source of thiamin and riboflavin, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, and Trace Minerals-B12. Vital nutrients from whole foods and other sources, the Trace Minerals-B12 is a trace mineral supplement, and the Tuna Omega-3 Oil provides 300 mg DHA and 60 mg EPA omega-3 fatty acids to support heart, brain, eye, and joint health.
Recently, a patient tested positive for COVID-19 and was feeling the associated symptoms of respiratory unrest. CoreLife Wellness provided him with the immune system protocol specifically designed for him and within three days he regained his strength and his lung health improved. Though every body is different and thus may react differently to the coronavirus, a healthy immune system is key to providing your body with the best tools to fight illness.
While COVID-19 continues to spread across the country, the urgency of maintaining a healthy immune system has never been higher. To find out more about how you can strengthen your defense with these immune system support supplements, contact us now here.
Get your Immune System Protocol by consulting our naturopath here.

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